I scored 150 like most all the recent reviewers, scoring 45/50. One problem i had was that when i finished the test it asked if i wamted to review the questions i had skipped, even though i hadnt skipped any! So, i went ahead and answered YES and was presented with a question I had, in fact, answered. I am 100% sure i answered it the first time, and correctly. I went ahead and clicked the same answer only to be asked if I wanted to go back through the questions I had skipped! I did that a couple more times then gave up and answered in the negative. So I was scored 45/50 and told my IQ was 150. So what did I think of the test? It was difficult, but the pattern question answers were all similar, with one exception. The flaw in the test that I found, coupled with the bevy of test takers that all scored exactly the same as I did makes me wonder about its accuracy.
By the way, I AM a member of MENSA, but I still enjoy the challenge of these kind of tests, while I dont put a lot of stock in them. You want to really test yourself? Find a place to take the MENSA test....